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  • Weiyu Guo, Shaopeng Yang, Yuheng Ren, Yongzhen Huang. CrowdTrans: Learning top-down visual perception for crowd counting by transformer. Neurocomputing, 2024, 587.[paper]


  • Xi Wang, Jian Tang, Qilan Li, Weiyu Guo, Ning Zhang. Will you buy my books? Investigating infuential factors for the sales of user‑generated e‑books on a social commerce platform. Information Technology and Management, 2023.
  • Linhui Zhou, Weiyu Guo*, Jing Cao, Xinyue Zhang and Yue Wang. Wavelet-SVDD: Anomaly Detection and Segmentation with Frequency Domain Attention. International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA), 2023.[paper] [code]
  • Weiyu Guo, Zhijiang Yang, Shu Wu, Xiuli Wang, Fu Chen. Explainable enterprise credit rating using deep feature crossing. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023,220:119704.[paper] [code]


  • Shangpeng Yang, Weiyu Guo*, Yuheng Reng. CrowdFormer: An Overlap Patching Vision Transformer for Top-Down Crowd Counting. The 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI), 2022. [paper] [code]
  • Weiyu Guo, Jiabin Ma, Yidong Ouyang, Liang Wang and Yongzhen Huang. Efficient Convolutional Networks Learning through Irregular Convolutional Kernels. Neurocomputing, 2022, 489:167-178.[paper]


  • Ling Tan, Weiyu Guo* and Jinqiu Wang. Workpiece Surface Defect Detection Based on Prototype Network With Blur Pooling. The 40th Chinese Control Conference, 2021.
  • Fu Chen, Yujia Hou, Kun Liu, Wenying Tang, Jianming Zhu and Weiyu Guo. Topic Logistics Based on Node Resource Status. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2021.
  • Qian Hong, Yue Wang, Huan Li, Yuechen Zhao, Weiyu Guo and Xiuli Wang. Probing Filters to Interpret CNN Semantic Configurations by Occlusion. International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators, 2021.
  • Qi Chunqi, Yuechen Zhao, Yue Wang, Yapu Zhao, Qian Hong, Xiuli Wang and Weiyu Guo. Analyzing Interpretability Semantically via CNN Visualization. International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators, 2021.
  • Wang Shan, Yue Wang, Qilong Zhao, Zhijiang Yang, Weiyu Guo and Xiuli Wang. Exploring Classification Capability of CNN Features. International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators, 2021.


  • Weiyu Guo, Bin Cao and Zhengxing Li. Explainable Enterprise Rating using Attention based Convolutional Neural Network. International Conference on Web Information Systems and Applications(WISA), 2020. [paper]
  • Chen Bing, Wang Xiuli, Wang Yue and Weiyu Guo. An Interpretable Personal Credit Evaluation Model. International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators(CCCI), 2020.
  • Fu Chen, Huoyu Jia, Kun Liu, Wenying Tang, Jianming Zhu and Weiyu Guo. A New Attack Method for Malicious Nodes in Tangle Network. IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud, Washington, USA, 2020.


  • Xinhui Wu, Weizhi An, Shiqi Yu, Weiyu Guo and Edel B. García Reyes. Spatial-Temporal Graph Attention Network for Video-Based Gait Recognition . Pattern Recognition-5th Asian Conference(ACPR), 2019.


  • Ma JB, Weiyu Guo, Wang W, et al. RotateConv: Making Asymmetric Convolutional Kernels Rotatable. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), August 20-24 2018.


  • Shu Wu, Weiyu Guo#, Song Xu, Yongzhen Huang, Liang Wang and Tieniu Tan. Coupled Topic Model for Collaborative Filtering with User-Generated Content. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2016, 46(6): 908-920. [paper]
  • Weiyu Guo, Shu Wu, Liang Wang and Tieniu Tan. Personalized Ranking with Pairwise Factorization Machines. Neurocomputing, 2016, 214: 191-200. [paper]


  • Weiyu Guo, Shu Wu, Liang Wang and Tieniu Tan. Social-Relational Topic Model for Social Networks. ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2015. [paper]
  • Weiyu Guo, Shu Wu, Liang Wang and Tieniu Tan. Adaptive Pairwise Learning for Personalized Ranking with Content and Implicit Feedback. IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI), 2015. [paper]
  • Weiyu Guo, Shu Wu, Liang Wang and Tieniu Tan. Multiple Attribute Aware Personalized Ranking . Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWeb), 2015. [paper]


  • 李双红, 李茹, 钟立军, 郭韦昱. 基于多词块的框架元素语义核心词自动识别研究. 中文信息学报, 2010, 24(1).