


Hi! Welcome to my homepage. I’m Yangbangyan Jiang (姜阳邦彦), a Post-doc Fellow in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). I received the Ph.D. degree in Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IIE, CAS), jointly supervised by Qingming Huang (Professor at UCAS, IEEE Fellow) and Xiaochun Cao (Professor at IIE, CAS). My research interests include machine learning and deep learning. I am also proud to have collaborated with Qianqian Xu (Professor at ICT, CAS), Zhiyong Yang (Post-doc at UCAS) and Ke Ma (Assistant Professor at UCAS).

Recent News

  • NEW 2022.09: A paper is accepted by TPAMI.
  • 2022.06: A paper is accepted by ACM MM’22.
  • 2022.03: A paper is accepted by CVPR’22.
  • 2021.03: A paper is accepted by CVPR’21.
  • 2021.01: A paper is accepted by TPAMI.


  • 2017.09 – 2023.06, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IIE, CAS), Ph.D. in Computer Applied Technology.
  • 2013.09 – 2017.06, Beihang University (BUAA), Bachelor in Information Engineering.
  • 2015.10 – 2016.03, University of Tsukuba, Exchange Study.

Honors & Awards

  • Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship, 2020.
  • Presidential Scholarship (Excellent Prize), CAS, 2020.
  • Zhuliyuehua Scholarship for Excellent Doctoral Student, CAS, 2019.
  • Director Scholarship (Special Prize), IIE, CAS, 2019.
  • Director Scholarship (Excellent Prize), IIE, CAS, 2018.
  • National Scholarship for Graduate Students, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, 2019.
  • National Scholarship for Graduate Students, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, 2018.
  • CSC Undergraduate Study Abroad Program Scholarship, China Scholarship Council, 2015.
  • Top 10% reviewer, ICML 2022.
  • Top 10% reviewer, NeurIPS 2020.

Academic Services

  • PC Member
    • CVPR 2021/2022/2023
    • ICCV 2021/2023
    • ICML 2021/2022/2023
    • ICLR 2021/2022/2023
    • AAAI 2021/2022/2023
    • NeurIPS 2020/2021/2022/2023
    • ACM MM 2020/2021/2022/2023
    • ECCV 2022
  • Reviewer
    • T-PAMI
    • T-Cyb
    • TKDD